To understand Physical Security Risk an understanding of Threats is required.
The starting point for understanding any physical security risk is to understand what threats are likely to impact on your building or business process. The threats to the business can in simple terms be considered as either perpetrated by external actors, internal actors, or collision between both.
The starting point for any project, new build or existing should be gathering an understanding of likely adversaries types the project must contend with. Key to this is looking at beyond the perimeter of the project and assessing the environment in respect of crime, socio economic demographics and other developments that impact on crime.
Design Security Ltd in 2021 began discussing the issues of being able to capture and analyse data that provides insight into what is happening around project locations. From these discussions it was clear that Dominus TECH LTD where a clear leader in this.
Chris Aldous, Director of Design Security Ltd says, ‘We have found the Dominus TECH LTD platform easy to use and the Dominus team receptive to changes that further enhance the information that Design Security Ltd can provide to clients’

Chris Aldous
BSc (Hons), CSyP, CPP, PSP,
Director – Design Security Ltd
If you or the organisation that your work for would like advice or assistance on selecting the right mix of security please contact Design Security Ltd, Wales’s only Independent Security Design Consultancy at